Starting a resourceful blog about design, digital marketing, and web development for aspiring entrepreneurs
This is my attempt to drop my knowledge and experience on the world to help those who are entrepreneurial spirited in search of knowledge about design, digital marketing and web development to help grow their business. Not entirely sure if this is the direction I’d like to go in, or perhaps I should refine what this will all be about, but regardless I’m going to hit the accelerator and see where the momentum takes me.
I have an entry in my sketchbook/field notes—which by the way, I carry with me most of the time—where I had an idea about what I’d like my blog to be about. I wrote: “I saw an Instragram post by Gary Vaynerchuk about social media being a land grab @ the moment—circa Jan, 2018. I could niche down with a social media channel about being a web developer/graphic designer and writing from the perspective of a full-stack web designer. There’s not a lot of info on this topic.“ Essentially this blog could be about…
Full stack designer
Talk about combining 15 + years of skills as a graphic designer and my newly found skills in web development and design.
Obstacles in learning
How to combine my two skill-sets
Encourage pure graphic designers to merge into the web
Where to learn web dev
Fixed vs. growth mindsets
Health scare
Gratitude for everything
Becoming a bridge between devs and creatives
Life of a nightowl
Ok, this is a good start.
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