Experian brand guide website

0.1 The challenge

Experian had undergone a rebrand in recent years, and so in order to keep the brand fresh and ever-evolving, they needed to constantly update the brand’s pdf file and send it to everyone who needed it. It was challenging to continually update it and marketers so I was tasked to transform the file into a robust, living, and breathing website using Adobe Experience Manager and UX/UI best practices. I had to team up with stakeholders, designers, and engineers to gather criteria, feedback, and launch so that everyone who needed the guidelines could access the latest and freshest content.

0.2 The buildout 

After breaking out all sections in the pdf to separate pieces of content and pages, I created a wireframe using Adobe XD and Figma with the components and styles that AEM had to offer and got to work. I tried to use everything that it had to offer in a tasteful and not overly done manner.

0.3 The mockups 

After exporting all of the imagery, art files, photographs, videos, and other assets from the pdf document and other sources, I started placing all the content in its new home. It took about 6 months to build it all out, including meeting with various stakeholders and adjusting based off of different teams’ input. Throughout the build, I acted as a bridge between all of the stakeholders which included; creatives, engineers, higher-level execs, and various marketers. It was a challenging task, but it helped me grow and connect with a lot of different facets of the company.

0.4 The final product

In the end, the website was tested and soft-launched to a select few to gather input and later launched to the entire company of 12,000 employees to use. The existence of the site has ironed out many issues and has increased brand buy-in across the board. It’s one of Experian’s internal most visited sites with monthly site visits of 35% of the company viewing it at least once or twice per month. Creating this site has created a guiding light for everyone involved in working for the brand to adhere to brand guidelines and gain insight on where Experian is going as a household name.